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The Carbon Farming Foundation Education Hub

Grow your knowledge in the carbon farming space with the Carbon Farming Foundation Education Hub

Last edited 25 Sep 2023 Posted on 14 Sep 2023

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The CFF was built on the belief that farmers can play a key role in getting the world to net-zero.

Let’s put some cards on the table. These core principles shape our approach to any carbon projects:

  • Carbon crops should be strategically integrated into an existing farming operation. Growing carbon crops is about boosting overall farm productivity and creating another revenue stream for the farming business.
  • No one understands a farm better than the people already managing it and they should have the most say in how carbon is integrated into their farming system.
  • Farmers should come away with 100% of their carbon credits. Like any other crop, farmers should pocket their yields from their carbon crops and have the freedom to hold their carbon credits as an asset, trade them, or use them to be carbon neutral.

The Basics

Carbon Farming 101.

Carbon farming is the practice of reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere by storing carbon (CO2e) in the landscape, specifically in vegetation and soil. There is a variety of carbon farming methods that you can integrate into your existing farming operation, such as planting trees and vegetation to store carbon in the landscape or changing property management to store carbon in your soil.

In Australia, carbon farming activities that comply with specific vegetation or agricultural-based methodologies are usually registered as projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund. If your project meet the ERF eligibility requirements, you can earn Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU). For every tonne of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) you store in the landscape, you generate a carbon credit.

The Opportunity

Tactical integration of carbon projects within a working farm can increase profitability and farm resilience.

When done right, carbon projects increase farm profitability and resilience by:

  • capitalising on underutilised land,
  • diversifying revenue streams,
  • accessing carbon-neutral market opportunities,
  • reducing input costs,
  • enhancing soil health, and
  • increasing water retention.

The Carbon Farming Foundation Education Hub

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