Soil Carbon Masterclass with LoamBio & SoilQuest
Wednesday 13th March 2024
9am – 12pm
Pine Grove Gun Club, Pine Grove VIC 3573
Interested in building soil carbon on your farm? Join Loam Bio, SoilQuest and Grant Sims from Down Under Covers to learn how.
Leading farmers Ken, Wendy and Grant Sims as well as Mick Wettenhall will explain their strategies for building soil carbon in their cropping systems. Hear from them as they highlight their cutting edge tips and tricks, explaining what works and what doesn’t on their operations.
This masterclass will include trial walks of cover cropping and grazing management practices. There’ll also be deep-dives on ‘lessons learned’ from active carbon projects and case studies on the effects of Loam’s microbial CarbonBuilder inoculum for canola, barley and wheat.
The day includes a BBQ lunch and refreshments. Tickets are free of charge, click here to secure your spot.
Who is Grant Sims?
Grant Sims is a sixth generation farmer, who with his parents,Wendy and Ken, run his family farm “Pine Grove” in North Central Victoria. As part of their 3500 Ha cropping program they plant around 600Ha a year of multi species cover crop blends, utilise crop rotations, companion crops and integrate their livestock operation. The Sims own and run ‘Down-Under-Covers’ specialising in the supply of multi-species cover crops, forages and custom made blend seed mixes.